Saturday, December 25, 2010

  1. Involve the student – students need to be involved and actively engaged in their learning. Teachers need to discuss each aspect of the program with the child. Goals that are set together are far more effective than those set by the teacher. Talk with the student about the approach to learning they will take and ask for feedback. Teachers need to ask the student how they are feeling about the process and understand what is working and what needs adjustment.
  2. Use multi-sensory teaching methods – students need to see, hear, say and write what they are learning! Teachers need to be as creative as possible.
  3. Teach students to use logic rather than rote memory – students can learn about spelling rules rather than only relying on their memories.  In maths, teach students about logic.
  4. Present materials sequentially – use the metaphor of building a house and work slowly and sequentially.
  5. Present material in small units – don’t overload the student. They need small manageable chunks of information.
  6. Practice, practice, practice and review – always spend part of the lesson reviewing what was learned and review the previous lesson at the start of each lesson.
  7. Help students organise time and space – use a diary or calendar to assist in planning and always have spare pens and pencils ready to give to students.
  8. Individualised instruction – where possible, one-on-one time is highly beneficial.
  9. Always be aware of the emotional climate – if a student is really struggling and it is affecting their self esteem and mood, be prepared to switch to something else; preferably something the student is really good at!
  10. Laugh a lot – learning needs to be fun, especially if you want to convert students into lifelong learners.

Friday, December 24, 2010


4 Common Conditions That Make Kids Sick

Coughs and Kids: Calming Your Child With Care at Home
How -- and when -- should you treat a cough in your child? When should you call the doctor? Get 10 tips for medical treatment of a cough.
Diarrhea: Medications That Help, Drugs to Avoid
Diarrhea usually lasts two to three days. But watch carefully, because it can lead to dehydration. Here’s what parents should do.
Earaches (Otitis Media): What Causes the Pain?
Is it a simple earache, or is it otitis media? What can you do to ease your child’s pain? Follow these diagnosis and treatment tips.
Sore Throat: 10 at-Home Remedies
Most sore throats in sick kids don’t need medicine. Save the antibiotics for strep throat. Here are 10 at-home remedies for sore throats.